My ODS now almost five is an incredibly intense child. Nothing is ever enough, and at age 2, I was the parent wondering what I must have done wrong to get such a busy child who just didn't seem to flow like the more mellow kids. Low and behold, YDS age 2 is the easy-going, quiet kid that keeps himself busy and rolls with things.

I think personality makes a big difference, and the active, intense ones have lots of personality. Lots of energy. Lots of needs. At age 2, it's just weathering the storm.

What helped ODS was consistancy (in discipline, in keeping promises, etc.). He needs to know what is going to happen and when, so a two-year-old who doesn't have the capacity to ask and figure out what's happening can react badly. ODS learned to read the clock very early, and it made a huge difference. We had a strict routine and talked about it through the day. Lots of warnings about transitions. And lots of timeouts when needed.

Good luck! Three was much better for us (reading the clock and the calendar helped so much).