You have just described our DD at 18 months. She was an incredibly tetchy baby - I once saw her do a full pull up at about 10 months during a particular rage fest. We had to swaddle her to get her to sleep - just a very trying time.

At 18 months she became even more intense - I hoped that she was precocious (how little I knew at the time LOL) that it was the terrible twos and that it would pass quickly. It wasn't and it didn't - if anything, it got worse until about 3 years old she acquired a modicum of control over herself.

She is still intense and I am dreading puberty but I am intense too and when we are both 'on' about something cool at the same time it is a time of indescribable joy!

Hang in there :-)

Last edited by madeinuk; 09/27/15 06:50 PM.

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