Originally Posted by ultramarina
Speaking of obsessions, I am "obsessing" about this potential dx a little myself. frown (Not really. But I am really worrying about it. Some of the articles and info I found are really scary and distressing. If anyone has any success stories, it would help right now. I feel terrible for my DD. I didn't know that this was at this level inside her brain. frown )
I was a gifted child with these issues (complicated by having a younger sister with a chronic, terminal illness) and am now a mother to DD6 who is showing signs of severe anxiety, now showing OCD behaviors. So weighing in here with sympathy and also some hope. Despite a chaotic and rough childhood, my anxiety issues weren't diagnosed until I was married and living far away from family and basically stopped functioning. After a few years of therapy I am now comfortable saying I can control the anxiety and intrusive thoughts better than I had ever even hoped possible. I can't stress the benefits of therapy enough. Yoga has helped a lot as well. I have to make decompression and spending time being mindful of my health and the good things around me a part of my routine in order to keep myself from fraying at the edges. Fighting off the intrusive thoughts can be exhausting, so rest and trying to maintain enough peace in the midst of a pretty chaotic life is important as well.

DD's anxiety has been something we've tried to manage but not pathologize over the past few years. Unfortunately as the recent school year began it got much worse, and the OCD stuff became disruptive and distressing enough that I've now made her an appointment with a therapist recommended by my own. I am struggling with the mom guilt stuff (I caused this. I should be able to help her.) but am hopeful that by seeking help now, we can give her the tools she needs. smile