ditto pb & pp101.

As to the WJ reading assessments: the subtests you have listed were all measures of single word skills: single word phonetic and sight decoding, single word spelling and phonetic encoding. Although items are not all presented one word to a page, they are in widely-spaced single word columns, with only a handful of words per page. (And spelling, of course, is one word at a time.) Even writing samples, for a 5 yo, requires very little writing of more than one or two words at a time. (And never more than two sentences, on the WJ, even at higher levels.) So this suggests that she is not so much having difficulty learning to read, as having difficulty reading in connected text, which involves additional skills than decoding per se, such as tracking. With a Dx of DCD, one can easily imagine that there may be motor coordination factors affecting her reading, as well (the oft-noted tracking and convergence, atypical/poorly-coordinated saccades, etc.). Fluency may become an issue in the future, though at this level, I doubt the teachers are concerned about it yet.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...