I think that they are conflating the IEP and 504 process-- that's my thought.

Because the 504 is about 'equal access' like one's 'unaffected peers' which, um-- you'll need your own pro to write something up stating that not having such systems in place will be detrimental if you want them to address it a priori (IME). On the other hand, I know that in the 504 world, that statement "well, we'll have to see what is needed" when you have parents and experts outside the school stating up front "this is a vulnerability-- we need to think ahead on this one and not let disaster strike BEFORE we do what we can see we should," that is bogus.

Honestly-- what would they do with a child who is legally blind, hmm? "Wait and see?" I hardly think so. (Well, I know of a few districts that would, actually).

The right thing to do is to mitigate what you already KNOW is a problem. They're pushing back pretty hard on that. I'd push for a meeting in the first few DAYS of school. Can you bring in anything from previous teachers or 504 team members?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.