Originally Posted by DeeDee
May I note irrelevantly that I misread the title of this thread as "504 twerking," and it was fun that way?

I'm somehow having a mashup in my head of our last 504C as Miley Cyrus, and our former principal as Robin Thicke. Not pretty, people... not pretty at all. sick STILL more fun that way, though, I agree. LOL.

On a side note, I have to agree with blackcat about this-- nip this one in the bud, I say. WHO is the expert on your child, again? Right. YOU are, along with your child's specialists.

Politely, but firmly point out that waiting for your child to FAIL is one reason why he has a 504 plan-- that is, so that such a thing doesn't need to happen each fall, thank-you-very-much. Why reinvent the wheel? smile

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.