Our tracks are in transition as well, as a graduated adjustment over a few years. The new path, after the shift, will be 6th grade math, then 7th pre-Algebra, 8th Algebra I, 9th Geometry, 10th Algebra II, with additional course required in 11th. After transition, the core requirements end up a year ahead of previous path (before, Algebra II was 11th grade for regular track).

Accelerated path shifts 5th graders into 6th grade math; 6th pre-Algebra, 7th Algebra I, 8th Geometry, Algebra II in 9th, then 10-12th are Trig/pre-Calc to AP Calc AB to AP Calc BC, with AP Statistics as an alternate to one of those, and a few other courses also available. The accelerated track is Honors level for Algebra, Geometry and Algebra II; accelerating 2 years shifts pre-Algebra to 5th, same sequence forward.