Originally Posted by Cookie
Our district...

Regular track:
6th grade math, 7th grade math, 8th grade math which is pre-algebra, 9 th grade algebra, etc is one tract

The next track is 6th grade math honors, 7th grade honors (pre algebra), 8th grade algebra, 9 th geometry, etc

The newest track is 6th grade accelerated (I believe it is 6th and pre algebra combined, 7th algebra, 8th geometry, 9th algebra 2, etc. it wasn't available for my older son but hope to get my younger in it.

Our district is very similar except that these days they are trying to move the majority of students to the 2nd track:

track 1: 6th grade math, 7th grade math, 8th grade pre-algebra, 9th grade algebra. etc.

track 2: 6th grade math, 7th grade pre-algebra, 8th grade algebra, 9th grade geometry. etc.

track 3: 6th grade pre-algebra, 7th grade algebra, 8th grade geometry. etc.

You can go to an even faster track by individually arranging it with the school.

At high school, you pretty much go from where you end up with in middle school. In our magnet school, though, there is another very comprehensive placement test and you can accelerate even further.