I agree with Squishy's. Information about what they are is very valuable for children. It's not the word gifted people object to its the fact that they are gifted so changing the language doesn't help.

We did what Labmom did and emphasized potential that requires hard work to be realised. Arrogance and bragging were never an issue for us, the opposite in fact. We had a girl who hid and did not believe in her own capabilities despite participation in gifted programs and grade acceleration. It didn't click for her until she found herself helping the "smartest boy" in her gifted class with algebra. The amazing look when she she said to me....I might be smart mummy....told me she had no idea. After that her whole attitude changed and she was more prepared for challenge and hard work.

Gifted kids shouldn't have to hide or be ashamed or scared of what they are. They will be if we are so we need to man up for their sake. The biggest battles I have had on recognition of giftedness and dispelling the myths of Giftedness have been with people with education degrees.