I'm struggling with what to tell DD8 whose scores we recently learned. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I have to tell her something relatively soon, as she's going to be taking some additional assessments at school to see what we're going to do with her next year (we have no gifted programming, usually they "differentiate" within the classroom -- this is not enough for my kids, and its questionable how well its done for more 'regular' high achieving/accelerated learners). It sounds like possible subject acceleration, at least for math to start - which would be awesome. I need her to understand 'why' she's being tested so she doesn't get upset about it and so that she really puts her best effort into it...

I know many here suggest not telling a kiddo straight up that they are gifted or sharing scores, and I agree. But I need to let DD in on the secret. I know she knows she's smart. But I think she has a bit of a complex as DS10 is also G, and is more the typical insatiably curious G kid who learned to read really early and all that. She has no idea she's "like him" in that way, and I think for her self esteem, she might need to (to be honest, until we saw her scores, we didn't realize she's "like him" either)... What do I say??

Any advice on what to share and what not to (aside from actual scores)? Did you tell your kid/s that they are 'gifted'? I want them to understand that they learn differently, and that its just the way they are... For her, I'm afraid not to make it really positive b/c she's a hugely negative thinker, and its critical she hears otherwise. She's going to be singled out at school, and she needs to know its ok....

Thanks in advance!