I have to continually remind myself to straddle the middle.. so it is good advice. I just get very passionate when I believe so fiercely in something. But anyone who knows me would laugh. I'm quiet and shy enough that I go into a school meeting and silently get walked all over. I'm really only up-in-arms when I'm alone in front of the keyboard. blush

And I didn't mean to place any unintended blame on those of us who homeschool. We might be there sooner than I had imagined. <sigh> It just seems that we are spread out so thinly that none of our voices are being heard by the local powers that be. We need to find a way of raising these discussions to a national level. If people can push through these other math fads, we should be able to start a new math fad for gifted kids. I'm personally thinking of framing it as "We need all of the bright young minds we can get to solve all of the future global problems".

'Neato: Tell your daughter from me, that as I scientist, I say blowing things up is way cool!!

Mom to DS12 and DD3