Just found this on the CNN website. It's a piece about a conceptually based approach to teaching maths. I guess these approaches are seductive on the surface, but they break down when you look at them more closely.

For example, why must this method exclude long division? Isn't long division simply another valid approach? If so, then why can't they teach it? I don't understand this at all.

Also, their "conceptual" approach to multiplying may work for 88*5 (see article), but will likely break down for almost everyone for 59877.26*6475.458. <sigh> The gifted kids will have figured this out on their own, and the others won't have learned how to multiply the old-fashioned way and so won't be able to solve the problem without a calculator.

Math Fad

It's like they're going to the other extreme from too much drilling.
