Also, EM is not EM is not EM.... in the article the mom complained they got no books home or any explanations. We got sheets home explaining it as well as the Homelinks book which the homework sheets comes from. I think as in any curriculum, it may not necessarily be the curriculum but it's implementation. As good as Singapore math is, many drop it b/c it doesn't work for them either b/c they are not implementing it correctly or it's not a suitable fit for that particular child. The big thing w/ EM is supposed to be the games...that's where the kids practice and cement the facts. Well, guess what the teacher cuts out b/c of lack of time? the games. In one district, the parents received a letter saying it was the parents responsibility to drill the math facts at home and play the games. We also got a book with game ideas to play a few times each week. I hear the same story with RightStart math - it's too conceptual, my kid doesn't get it etc but when asked if they play the games "Uh no, we don't have time to play the games."