Well, I don't think tests are the be-all-end-all. They're not perfect indicators. I think human common sense has to factor in.

That's not to say that I want everyone in and no standards, and I hate the "old boy" network. But I think there is a grey area, and I'm okay with exploring that a little. People are not black and white. "Just scores" may be simple, but simple isn't always in the best interest of the kids.

I guess I would rather err on the side of inclusion just a wee bit than exclude kids who belong. I'm not going crazy here! But there are kids who score a 129 who fit a lot better than kids who score a 130. Personally, I like Dottie's district's "multiple indicators" over "black and white."

Also, FWIW, if you have a strenuous program for GT kids, then I think kids who don't belong will usually realize it and drop out, provided the program doesn't "dumb down" to help them fit. Maintain standards, and the right kids will wind up where they belong.
