Originally Posted by incogneato
I like the way your district seperates the definitions. I think it may allow for more and better programs for more kids. Please keep us posted on your opinion on how it all works, I find the concept very intriguing.

I think they're on the right track by keeping things very tight. I've been witness to shady dealings because this parent knows that PTO President or that parent threatens this Administrator and then you end up with kids in a program and you're scratching your head as to HOW it happened as they are clearly out of place AND, worse, taking a slot away from a truly deserving Gifted kid. Grrr!

Keeping Giftedness as close to a black and white, clear cut score keeps things simple. It's "Just the facts, ma'am" now stop jumping up and down. You're not going to get your way.

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." -Roger Lewin