
Then there are other questions. What if parent questions placement? Is there a method in place such as portfolio review? What if the child is a poor tester? HOw often will they test? Can a teacher over-ride a test score and recommend class placement?

What test will they be using? Achievement tests? Nonverbal tests such as Naglieri or CoGAT? I think the issue w/ tracking in the past is that with achievement tests, you can get culture bias so you're classes will end up culturally-segregated which most often ends up being segregated by race. If your district is racially homogeneous then you won't have that problem. Then it might be based on economics. If your district is more economically homogeneous then that won't be a problem.

Our little school is racially and economically homogeneous, pretty much. Tests like SAGES2 are used but that only weeds out 1-2% of kids for the top class. Then State Tests are used from that point. Parents and teachers have no say as far as what I've been told.

I'm not going to say it's a perfect system but at least they're trying something/anything plus it benefits DS. For some reason he's the only tested and certified SNAP kid in his grade level.

I've read here that 20-40% of kids test as gifted. [?] Boy, that sure is NOT our experience in our District!

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." -Roger Lewin