Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
20-40% of kids test as gifted as gifted in your district?

In a friend's district, it's very high b/c of the demographics. Near a very large university center so most of the kids are sons/daughters of scientists, engineers, mathematicians and other Ph.D.s. Obviously in a place like that, the teachers have to differentiate in class to a much greater extent. They have methods I only dream about....math is taught at the same time so kids go to the classroom which is at his/her level, multiage classes etc.

No, no. I'm sorry. NOT in my District. No way. More like 1%.

I've read posts here saying 20-40%. I'd have to go searching for posts...

I could see 20-40% would be "Talented" in some way but full on tested as Gifted? I dunno. The avg is 1-2%, iirc.

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." -Roger Lewin