Originally Posted by ConnectingDots
Have you looked at Montessori at home materials? Our oldest was in a Montessori program at that age and the method worked very well for him. YMMV.

Yes. We did some Montessori-at-home, then transitioned to a modified (okay-- heavily modified) Charlotte-Mason method (if not curricular goals) which meshed very well with the age-appropriate motor skills that my preschooler possessed.

That smoothly transitioned to more academic types of educational materials and curriculum as DD got to about five years of age. Until then, we didn't push/emphasize writing at all. You do have to be reasonably comfortable with the idea of asynchronous development of academic skills, though.

My 4yo couldn't cut out shapes, or color detailed pictures, but she could (and did) read chapter books, and work symbolic math problems, and could give an ORAL book report worthy of a child twice her age.

That asynchronous web didn't start to coalesce into something that looked more even until late into secondary education, by the way-- so you'll need to accept that you may be signing up for long-term scaffolding of age-appropriate/weaker skills if you support learning at the child's proximal zone of development/readiness in the strengths.

Welcome, and good luck! smile

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.