Thank you for the update. I am so proud of you, scaffolding to support your kiddo.

Once in a while you may wish to say something along the lines of a reminder that the conversations he has with you about his work role model the internal conversations he'll begin to develop, until he is automatically self-checking his work, due-dates, etc. Then you may wish to agree about going two days between checking in... then three or four... then only weekly. Checking in weekly, plus being available to listen and advise whenever he may initiate coming to you, may be an appropriate amount of support ongoing.

If you did not already read up on executive function, organization, procrastination/perfection, 2e, IEP/504 you may wish to look into these a bit, to see if any of the information about those common topics may be of assistance to your kiddo now or in the future.

Congratulations to you and your child on this wonderful progress. smile