Indigo, what you write is part of the problem, for student and for parent. Every class and teacher method is different.

We have the assignment notebook: he doesn't write in it at school, so I make him write in it when he gets home. What he remembers.

We have color coded pockets in the binder and coordinated folders at home.

Some work is done and turned in online, makes the folders ineffective for that assignment. And it makes the homework hard to monitor. I saw an essay on google docs, but the teacher did not. Is it in the wrong place? I don't know!

Today he made a conscious decision not to turn something in, a week late, because he isn't happy with it and wants to rewrite it.

In middle school we had the assignment notebook initialed by parent, student, and teachers (bless 'em!) and the little dear still got around it. I hate to ask high school teachers to do the same. Apparently, that is exactly what I have to do. I think I have to schedule some private conferences.