Thanks, indigo, esp,for the thread link. Perfection is part of the issue, for sure. In fact, it is so severe he won't ask teachers for extensions or any extra help, even if he missed a class for legitimate reasons, for fear they will think him irresponsible or say " you're a smart kid, you should be able to do this" Yes, we have discussed that responsible actions would be to talk to the teacher, irresponsible is to hide. He is a smart kid, but he's not psychic, how could he possibly know what went on in class if he was out?

Bluemagic, we do the same thing with doing homework even if it won't be accepted. He can lose the computer as much as a week. I won't take away the piano, because we already paid for the semester. He lost jazz band this week because he didn't finish two assignments before rehearsal. He can't audition for plays if he has outstanding homework.

Good suggestions for reading, indigo. I have to read fast, because this week assignments weren't turned in or issues addressed four times, and the week isn't over yet. Reminder Notes on the lunch aren't working anymore. The English teacher and I are on 3 times a day emails now. The science teacher and I were, have to go back to it. They are vey patient, I hope they have a vast reservoir of it.