Originally Posted by bluemagic
I agree with the others about art, provide lot of arts supplies and find ways to expose her to art. (Books about art, museums.) Since you say your daughter isn't very good at entertaining herself art might be a way she can develop that skill. There really isn't ONE way to do art, and my problem with some art classes are they are too directed. I disliked the "Meet the Masters" program that my elementary school used that encouraged the kids to imitate a piece of famous art, the teachers would proudly display 30 almost "identical" pieces of art. Always rubbed me the wrong way.

yes she has started entertaining herself now by doing art & craft - it is the only activity she will do on her own- but she will do it for hours and hours - albeit with muuum what can I make nooooow! she's learning about her imagination ;-)

Unfortunately our town is not what you would describe as aesthetically pleasing. There are some very interesting bits which we have done to death. Our galleries seem hell bent at being "cutting edge" ie very adult orientated both in concept and practise so they aren't suitable. Our main art gallery has been closed since 2010 so it's just the private ones at the moment.

I have however just joined a mailing list for children's programs that might pop up. The rest of the place is a complete jumble waiting to be rebuilt after quakes - trust me it's pretty grim. There's a lot of high art around relating to the quakes - which frankly is not a topic DD is ready to get too involved with as we can't say "oh that happens far far away etc".

The meet the masters thingish was why we didn't go Montessori pre school, I found it disturbing that children were given colouring pages of masters but had to get the colours right before advancing - weird.