I would leave the art alone. Give her great materials and look at info online--Pinterest has nice stuff by good art teachers on how to instruct kids in art. You won't find much of anything IRL to be all that useful at this age anyway. Trust me. Real "instruction" in art is hard to come by for kids twice her age.

She isn't passionate about music but she has natural ability and I want her to keep it up -she does like it.

I'm a little concerned by this bit. I'd say, with a multipotential child like this, find the passion. Even if it's not in the area of most ability. I know--not very Tiger of me. DS is very talented at chess and moderately above average in sports, but he loves them both about the same. I don't think either one is going to get him into college or whatever, so if he chooses sports, so be it. Similar benefits, IMO. DD is great at art and really not so great musically, but she's got a social musical activity going right now that she loves and nothing happening art-wise that engages her, so music it is.