Yep crazy sport here. I picked up a book here entitles the 100 greatest New Zealanders (or similar). I was expecting a balance of scientists, politicians, artists etc but about 2/3 were sports related. The so called sports heroes are often awful role models (though some are really good) and it is worse since rugby became professional. In my childhood the fullback in the all blacks could have been a doctor or a teacher and would have behaved on tour rather than damage their professional standing. Noe they figure they can get away with all sorts of rubbish. But mostly I feel that schools shouldn't be concentrating on competitive sport. Sport at school should be for the purpose of developing the body so it can support the mind and people can develop healthy habits and get exposure to.things they may wany to follow up outside of school.

Ps. My new phone is hard to type on.

Last edited by puffin; 10/31/14 01:22 PM.