How very timely (haha). DD5 has just started her "exes" at school. Somehow, all of the other kids in her class (except for one other girl) apparently already know their "exes". Wow. Holy heck. OK. So I thought perhaps I should teach dd5? I have been using a combination of the following, and it seems to be going well -

1) MathUSee skip counting songs. Gotta start somewhere. For some reason my kids have found these easier to sing along with than the School House rock ones.

2) Little games that look like this:
(this is not us - just a video I found online)

- right now she uses legos to complete her math homework which consists of sheets of multiplication problems (both word problems and straight multiplication problems). At least she is completing it herself - I don't know how else she would do it.

3) Mom pestering them at snack time, on the way to school, while putting on PJ's - What's 6 times 3, 6 times 7, 6 times 2....I think I will try to focus on one set every day or two until they have them down.

On one hand, I can't believe my littlest one is learning multiplication facts - on the other hand, I am really looking forward to the end of the "math facts" learning era... it is like getting your kid out of diapers...

Last edited by mom123; 10/06/14 07:31 AM.