Originally Posted by coveln
I highly recommend the book we used this summer when DD turned 7. She has better verbal skills so when I stumbled across this book I had to try it. she devoured the book in about 20 min the first day. we left it alone for a month or so then spent about 5 min on it for 5 days in a row to review and she knows them pretty well now. Prior to this she knew some and she understood the concept but in less than an hour she learned up through 10x10. The book assigns each number a picture and then makes up a story that combines the three numbers. One of my daughters favorite is 2 x 8 which is shoe x skate and the story is something about a queen that wanted to skate but only had one skate and one shoe and so she just went in circles and became "sick queen" which sounds like sixteen. They have a picture too which helps solidify the story. Its great for this type of learner.
...Memorize in Minutes: The Times Tables, Teaching Manual Paperback – July 15, 2000
by Alan Walker

We found it on amazon

As a mathematician I have to say that this approach is absolutely appalling.