DS8 tested at the 42nd percentile for PSI and 98th for VCI. He falls down the rabbit hole regularly. I have that habit, myself, so I can usually figure out how he got to euros and quite enjoy the journey his mind took. It's not a great trait for school, however, and I've struggled to help him harness the speed he sometimes displays. I've often wondered about that PSI score and what it really means with a child who can be both lightning-fast and glacier-slow - sometimes in the same minute.

DS8 also has hypermobile joints, which I hadn't paid much attention to until reading this thread, and one of his feet suddenly appears flat. He's dysgraphic and using any tools, from utensils to pencils, is challenging. Shoes are velcro or those curly elastic laces and buttons are not our friends. EDS-H sounds like something I should be raising with our pediatrician. It will be interesting to see how the EDS-H research develops and whether it is the umbrella.