Originally Posted by Amber
So this is very interesting, my son has eosinophilic esophagitis which is often linked to ehlers danlos. He is relatively flat footed, and Drs have made comments about his loose joints.

Fascinating how this stuff is related.

Well isn't this interesting... My DD was also diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis this summer. We were told she had hyper mobility in her joints when she first had an OT eval at age 5 but don't recall ED being mentioned.. Not to say it wasn't but she has received such a laundry list of diagnoses over the years that particular term may have just gotten lost in the mix.

I have long thought that there had to be something bringing all these things together - it's unreasonable to have one kid with so many seemingly unrelated issues. Hmmm...

Very, very interesting discussion...