DD is the same way in that she seems to "over-process" information. So let's say she's playing piano. She will not just look at the first note or meausure and start playing, she will look at the entire piece and notice whatever patterns it has. She notices that the quarter note line goes up 3 spaces. Then she'll say "what's that noise outside" (something no one else would ever notice). I think she drives the piano teacher a bit batty. The other day she said "I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow because today it was bothering me when I had to take a test." She is bizazrrely fast with certain skills, for instance this board game we have that's like chess but involves mirrors and lasers. She just glances at the board for a second and knows immeidiately where the light will shine if she moves a certain piece. Then she goes back to rolling around on the floor, chatting, etc. while she waits for the other player to anyalyze the board and take their turn. It's definitely NOT slow processing in that regard. She has a terrible time with math facts and writing. I remember her advanced pincher grasp as an infant, picking up tiny things. So it's not just that she has poor fine motor skills leading to poor handwriting. She can write very neatly and her cursive looked perfect so dysgraphia seems questionable. I wish I could understand what is going on...why does she struggle with some things but not others? She DOES have ADHD and calms down a lot and can focus better when medicated. I've seen theories of ADHD stating that these folks would have made great "hunters" (vs. gatherers) because of all the information they take in. Now noticing those small "details" is considered pathological rather than a nice survival skill.