OK, mine were pretty easy. Woke up in the morning in labor, had them both between 4:30 & 5:30 the same afternoon. DD27 almost was born on the toilet. Labor was strong, but she wasn't dropping. At that time it was procedural to give an enema close to delivery. They finally decided I was close enough to delivery at 5-6 centimeters and gave the enema. She came out before all the traces of the enema came out!

Here's a story my best friend told about her daughters boyfriend. He is extremely smart, I don't know his LOG but he got a full ride to MIT. When he was born he had the cord around his neck, and he was blue. The doctors did everything they could to revive him, but declared him dead. They placed him on a table and went about their business of making sure mom was OK. A nurse heard a whimper, turned and saw the baby moving. As adults, they joked about how smart he would have been if hadn't been deprived of oxygen at birth.