I BF DS29 until 8 months, DD27 until 11 months. When I had my kids, BF was coming back into vogue. My mom BF all 8 of us and it was more common to wean around 6-8 months, when the baby could drink from a cup. So, I felt some pressure to wean DS earlier. He went right to a cup, no problem with that; but we bought a goat and fed him goat's milk since cow milk upset his digestive system and he refused formula.
DD was weaned abrubtly at 11 months when I got mono.
DD bf both her girls, now 5 & 7. Her first, my GD7, was 3 weeks early and weighed 3lbs 13oz. There were some problems with the pregnancy, but GD7 was healthy enough. She was also jaundiced but not badly. She started gaining right away and was released from the hospital at 5 days, weighing a fraction of an ounce under 4 lbs.