Some other things I didn't love about the evaluator--he cut and pasted a lot of the report, leaving "his" instead of "her" and some grammatical errors (subject/verb agreement) that made it obvious he was recycling reports.

One test he administered involved DD looking at pictures and telling a story about them. When she left the test, she told me that she was well aware the last picture had been bunnies, but she pretended they were cats because she is obsessed with the "Warriors" series and wanted to tell a story about that.

At the follow-up, he said that the story had been unusually well-crafted, and that he had been surprised that she admitted that she had based it on characters from a book. He interpreted this as her being eager to please and get approval from an authority figure, so she plagiarized a story from a book. It's true that she loves praise and approval. However, she also just really loves to talk about those books. I asked her later if the whole story was from the books, and she said not at all. She based the characters from the book, but made up a new story about them. It was basically "fan fic", although she doesn't know that term. So, while he was right that she craves approval, he was completely wrong in assuming that the whole story was plagiarized and that she wasn't capable of making a story like that up on her own. And he didn't ASK her if the story was original; he just assumed that "based on" meant "stolen".