This is why I have no plans (unless absolutely necessary) to obtain a second IQ test for my son.
aeh is the expert.

1. It sounds like she is performing well in her gifted program at school. That would have been my first question.
2. Has she had an achievement test and do her results more closely match the first or second IQ score? We had our son take the WJ III achievement because we wanted to see if there were significant differences between his IQ and performance.

If this were my DS and I had suspicions of ADHD or something else, I would consider a more comprehensive evaluation. If my DS were doing very well otherwise, I might chalk it up to a bad test day.

I don't know enough about IQ or gifted programs to say this with certainty, but if your daughter is doing well on achievement testing and in her school program, I would find the second IQ score to be suspect.