Just realized I missed a couple of posts.

To the story-telling task: this may have been a projective social-emotional measure, which would then explain a bit better why he felt that GAD was a better Dx than ADHD. Keep in mind that the majority of apperception tests (TAT, CAT, SAT, TEMAS, Roberts-2), with the exception of the Roberts, have no objective scoring scheme, so they rely solely on the clinical skill of the examiner.

Alternatively, it could have been an expressive language test, which would relate to his comment on the complexity of her response.

Which one of the above it was should be evident from the list of assessments administered.

Reflecting on what you've posted so far, I also wonder what you would see if an SLP looked at her expressive language versus her receptive language, as that can be a factor in the difference between the Vocab/Sim and Comp subtest scores on the WISC. And could factor into the reported inattention.

And finally, the cut/paste reports are one of my pet peeves. That, and computer-generated reports. I write my narratives from scratch, for each student.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...