DS7 has DCD and we were able to get him an IEP (Physically Impaired) with DCD as the medical diagnosis. We had a neuropsych diagnose, although a pediatric neurologist told me the same thing when he was 4 (but it wasn't in his records). I am just bringing this up because it seems to be a fairly flexible category in terms of qualifying and getting services although it looks like you are making progress with an LD category. DS gets speech, OT, adapted phy ed (in addition to regular phy ed), organizational skills help, and writing with a spec. ed teacher. They presumably put it all under that PI category. If a kid is "slow" due to the disability, and it interferes with their learning, that's really all that is required to qualify. His Woodcock Johnson Achievement subtests scores were all above the 80th percentile, and he still is getting help with writing, because he wasn't accomplishing much in class.
I had a similar struggle--had to call the State before the district would do anything. His IEP manager, the principal, and the school OT had no clue what the special ed categories were! They seemed to think there were like 2, when it's really 12 or 13. The spec. ed director told me almost no one has a PI IEP, and my guess it's because they simply don't evaluate or write IEPs for most kids who would qualify for one.
As for the BOT2, DS has had it several times and his scores are always all over the place. I think on the latest test, he actually scored above the 50th percentile. Part of it is that he has excellent spatial ability (despite the dyspraxia) and is able to use that to compensate, for instance copying designs or patterns. He also tends to improve after he's been in private therapy, and then declines again when he is exited.
DS also has hypotonia which is often related to DCD...he wouldn't be able to jump off something more than a couple feet tall or hang onto a bar for more than a couple seconds (monkey bars out of the question). He had a traumatic brain injury and seemed to get worse after that which complicates things further. It's hard to figure out what the main issue is and the cause. He's another kid that had a lot of ear infections and was always sick. He had normal development until 1.5, then he was sick and snotty all the time and stopped developing normally. He had ear tubes/adenoids as well but about a year went by before anyone would do anything.