My DS9 is 2E with ADHD. My DS13 is not gifted but I have been fighting the system for years because I feel he is dyslexic and meets several of the symptoms. He does have ADHD.

So, DS13 was tested last year with the WJIII and CELF-4. On all of his teacher assessments, it says the same thing. His classroom behavior is below grade level and he is not meeting the expectations or achieving to his ability. He was enrolled in speech therapy for 2 years in Texas due to his inability to properly say words or express his wants and needs. They removed him from therapy when I expressed a desire for more assistance.

Now we come to middle school. His standardized testing has him as below grade level on all timed tests. If he is taking a test that is not timed, he scores in the high-average to well above average. He has a huge problem with reading items and having to process into written words. He fails all of his spelling tests regardless of how much we study. 6th grade was the first time he finally stopped mixing his d's, b's, p's, q's, etc. The school psychologist stated he doesn't believe he needs further evaluation for dyslexia but I have a hard time agreeing. Please let me know what to make of his scores and what direction to go.

WJIII-SS then %
GAI 105 63
Verb Comp 94 34
Vis-Aud Learn 98 45
Spat Relations 96 39
Sound Blend 114 82
Concept Form 123 94
Vis Match 87 19
Numbers Reversed 97 42

The psych stated that his performance is advanced on tasks involving inductive logic but average to low average on tasks requiring visualization of spatial relationships. It was also stated that his working knowledge is much stronger than his crystalized knowledge. It then stated practice would improve crystalized knowledge but that it would continue to stay below his fluid reasoning skills.

With the subtests, which will also be posted, the psych stated that the spelling was graded on the ability to write the words orally presented but was not judged on whether the words were actually spelled correctly.

For math it stated his performance is advanced on tasks requiring the ability to analyze and solve applied math problems but was low average on math tasks that required speed and accuracy.

For broad reading he was marked as advanced on tasks requiring efficient operation of reading process but was low average on tasks requiring reading decoding and the ability to identify words.

WJIII Tests of Achievement- Grade Equivalent, SS, %
Broad Reading 9.3 113 81
Letter-Word ID 6.8 99 47
Passage Comp 12.5 111 77

Broad Math 11.7 117 87
Calculation 10.5 112 79
Applied Prob 13.0 119 90

Broad Written Lang 13.0 120 91
Spelling 13.0 118 78
Writing Samples 14.4 119 90

Academic Fluency 9.8 114 82
Reading Fluency 13.0 120 91
Math Fluency 7.2 101 53
Writing Fluency 8.8 110 75

For the CELF-4, it stated he had difficulty explaining how several items were related including minute/hour, empty/full, achieving/accomplishing, occupied/vacant, and sunset/dusk. While he was easily able to conclude they were related he was unable to correctly articulate the commonalities between the words.

For number Repetition he was normal in forward number sequence but had difficulty in backward sequence for numbers resulting in low average.

Familiar Sequence he struggled with days and months backwards as well as counting by 4's and 6's.

CELF-4, SS, %
Core Lang 98
Receptive Lang 99
Expressive Lang 99
Lang Content 110
Lang Memory 98
Work Memory 88

Concepts & Directions 9
Recall Sentences 8
Formulated Sentences 12
Word Class Receptive 11
Word Class Expressive 10
Word Class Total 10
Expressive Vocab
Word Def 14
Understand Spoken Para 11
Number Repetition 7
Familiar Sequence1/2 9

Numbers forward he was able to recite 7 accurately but backwards was 3.