bluemagic, I think in your situation I'd mention that your ds had testing this summer and you don't have the full results or report back yet, but that they did find areas that were potential areas of challenge. I looked back through your previous thread and I think you mentioned that one tester suggested your ds was borderline but not quite a clear ASD diagnosis? Is this part of what you're waiting to determine from his psych testing this week? This is just my opinion - but from my perspective I don't think it will hurt you either way to either share that your ds is being evaluated for ASD (or whatever) or to *not* share. Same goes for any verbal recommendations you have for accommodations etc - it's ok to let the school no, but you're also not concealing anything that will hurt you down the road if you don't. When you have the reports you can share the information. Chances are the school staff isn't going to act on any accommodations/etc without the reports, but the fact that you've pursued testing and that the initial findings showed concerns with potential x,y,z might help encourage the school counselor to hold true to the promise of hand-picking your ds' class schedule.

Hope that makes sense! And I hope you have the reports back soon - waiting can be very hard!

Best wishes,
