I BF DD8 for 13 months and DD5 for 11 months. Both weaned themselves. It was a very natural process.

I am a big supporter of breastfeeding and gently encourage expectant moms to at least give it a try. Though I understand that every mom has to make the best decision for herself and her family.

My mother did not BF me. I am probably MG though I have never been tested. My mother actually though it was repulsive at first. I educated her about the benefits and she adjusted to my BFing my children. My children think it is just the way things are done because few of our friends bottle-fed their children. My oldest dd rarely played with baby dolls, but when she did she would lift her shirt up to feed her baby like Mommy did.

My DH was also not BF. He is probably PG. He is the youngest of 6 children. All of them were BF except him. His ped. told his mother not to BF because he was jaundice. I wonder if others will look back in 30 years and see us as ignorant as we see those 30 years before us?

Although I am a big proponent of BF, I will admit that it was taxing. I had an oversupply issue, which made it quite difficult to seemlessly BF in public. I was always envious of mom's who could BF in public without needing all the additional paraphernalia to stay dry. Also my kiddos would never take a bottle so I was chained to them for about the first 6 months.

My biggest problem with DD8 was that she was so slow. I'm sure I have other posts describing how slow she is about everything. When she was about 3 months old I logged how much time I spent BFing her--8 hours a day!!! Before my second child was born, I insisted that my DH buy us a DVR. I did not want to spend 8 hours a day at the mercy of whatever was on TV at the time. My second dd only BF about 15-20 minutes at a time, but I still love having a DVR. smile