Originally Posted by cbls
These are the subtest scores

Block design 19
Similarities 15
Digit span 12
Picture concepts 13
Coding 13
Vocabulary 14
Letter number seq 13
Matrix reasoning 18
Comprehension 15
Symbol search 15

I think you are correct, I think the scores are transposed. We've asked the psychologist about this but he said they were correct, how can I present it to him so he makes the correction?

Thank you!

I am not a psychologist so I do not have access to tables, but I have computed his scores to be the following:

VCI: 128
PRI: 141
WMI: 113
PSI: 122
GAI: 143
CPI: 123
FSIQ: 135

In that light, your son's profile is not at all atypical among gifted children. He true IQ undoubtedly places him in the moderately gifted range, with exceptional visual-spatial and fluid reasoning abilities, and strong verbal skills. His processing speed and working memory abilities are less remarkable, as would be expected of a gifted child, but nonetheless well above the population mean.

EDIT: Aeh, I just saw your post; brilliant minds think alike! wink

Last edited by Frank22; 08/07/14 06:41 PM.