Originally Posted by cbls
Which part of his profile? He was given the WISC and the WIAT and a few others. The psychologist explained most of them but not very clearly. He indicated that my son may struggle with retaining material and doing any type of mental manipulation based on the scores.

We had initially requested the testing for school purposes. We thought he may be gifted (taught himself to read and write by 3, taught himself to play the piano) but his most current teacher stated he had difficulty writing and couldn't read - both untrue. He doesn't like to write but will when it's something he likes.

The psychologist is telling us to request a special ed placement so he can have accommodations to avoid the frustration. We're not in agreement with him but need to understand more.

Thanks for your input.

If you're comfortable posting (or PM me, if you prefer) the subtest and cluster scores for the remaining cognitive and achievement testing, I can give you my take on the results, and try to answer any questions you have about them. (In particular, I see that you are questioning the accuracy of the GAI.) I might be able to explain why the examiner suggested an IEP or 504 plan.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...