
Are you married to MY husband seven years ago? LOL, he was concerned about the S factor, and he was also worried that I am disorganized, undisciplined, and have a tendency to jump from thing to thing. I have actually realized in the last few years (since two of my kids were diagnosed) that I probably have undiagnosed ADD. It explains so much about me.

Nevertheless, my kids are thriving and I'm still thrilled to be homeschooling them. We tried four different traditional schools for my oldest, and none of them worked as well as home based education.

The key is to be flexible. Child led is working great for me. As the kids get older, they have more work assigned to them, but they are still permitted a great deal of choice in exactly what and how they learn. For you, it might be that when is a choice too. I find that my kids do their best academic work in the mornings, so that's our school time and afternoons are largely free for socializing and extracurriculars.

Encourage your kids to become experts in whatever excites them, while shoring up those areas that might potentially be weaknesses. Balance- life's all about balance!

My kids are 19, 11, 8, and 3. They are very different from one another, but all PG and we've adapted homeschooling for each as they've grown. I think my oldest was a more interesting college applicant for his homeschooling transcript, and he wouldn't have been able to acquire 50 college credits in high school if he attended traditional high school.

Here's a short piece on homeschooling gifted kids:
