I hear that, acs!

DH was worried I would get arrested because I said from the start that I wouldn't breastfeed in the bathroom. I wouldn't eat my lunch in a toilet stall, and my baby wasn't going to either! And I would have made a very public stink if anyone had refused to let me breastfeed in public. VERY PUBLIC!

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't into flashing. People pretty much never even knew I was feeding my baby unless they made a point to stare right at my chest, looking around the baby's head, right at the moment when I was getting him latched on. After that, everything was utterly covered. But I would not isolate myself to nurse either.

That kind of attitude toward breastfeeding DOES make me judge! mad

Happily for me and our bail money ( wink ), no one was ever anything but supportive about my breastfeeding. Never so much as a peep about it.

Lucky for them...I was kind of looking forward to going all feminist avenger on somone! <evil smirk>
