I breastfed DS4 until he was about 2.5 i think. We found out when he was 1 that he was allergic to dairy, and we tried to give him every type of nondairy drink known to mankind, and he would have none of it (until about 2.5). Also, I am a very lazy person, and I wasn't working outside the home at the time, so it was much easier to BF. I think DS had about 5 bottles in his life. And pumping was just such a drag. smile Funny thing, when DS was 2, he asked me "what's that?" pointing to something a kid had in our early childhood class. It was a baby bottle. I was a wee bit embarrassed that he didn't know what a bottle was!

Neither DH nor I were breastfed. I'm guessing we're both upper end of MG, but who knows.

It's hard to say about the chicken and the egg -- I think back to when my mom, who was an RN, was told and believed that forumla would be better. As a smart person, she went with what she thought was best available option at the time.