Hi folks, I would love your thoughts on this. One of my sons is starting at a school for exceptionally gifted kids which we are thrilled about. He definitely needs the stimulating environment.

What I've been struggling with though is he language that is being used (eg parent orientation). They continuously talk about how these kids are so special / have great emotional needs etc.

I understand our children are special but as a parent of 3 aren't all kids special? Don't all kids have needs? I do think gifted kids need different educational opportunities but it's the labeling of the behavior that bothers me (eg iq of 120? You're a jerk. Iq of 130? They're overexcitabilities).

I think every child of every iq level comes with challenges, gifts (kindness is a great one!) and has a responsibility to behave. I don't like the idea of excuses being made because of a child's iq.

Anyway just thought I'd throw that out there - your thoughts? In my son's last classroom, lots of kids had intensities and they were definitely not gifted.