I haven't read all the replies. I actually don't like a "nurture gifted children because they will do great things approach" so in that way no they are no more special than kids at the other end of the curve. They do have different needs to be the best they can (as to kids at the other end). I just want my sons to have to be wretched and learn stuff. I want at least the same funding per student a kid on the 0.01 percentile would get (maybe amend that to 5th percentile to simplify as I suspect someone on the o.o1 percentile would need 24 hour care. Unfortunately funding for kids on the left hand side of the curve isn't enough either (1 hour a day aide for the kid who has several years delay, the deaf kid only gets an interpretor for 3 hours a day, parents of elautisic children have to constantly fight to keep assistance) which makes it harder to argue for equal rights without seeming insensitive.