Originally Posted by aquinas
Originally Posted by OrlFamily
I don't like the idea of excuses being made because of a child's iq.

What excuses are you referring to? Giftedness isn't a get-out-of-jail free card for misbehaviour, nor is it a guarantee of misbehaviour. It's a state of being that might elicit stronger-than-usual reactions to various stimuli because of heightened perception of various facets of the world.
I can use my son as an example. In 6th grade he had really BAD behavior. And while giftedness didn't excuse his behavior it did help us understand the cause behind the behavior. Simply "punishing" him for behaving badly made things worse. Once we had a better understanding of his behavior we were able to treat the real issues and what coping strategies would help in the long run.

Last edited by bluemagic; 06/09/14 05:56 PM.