Thank you all. Truly. You all have given me so much to think about and process. But most of all..I no longer feel ALONE!! And, thank you for commiserating with me!

Polarbear, thank you for your input; you are always so helpful. I do not believe she has any undetected 2e issues. As my DS has vision problems, I have had her eyes checked several times by the behavioral opt. and thankfully she has no problems.

1frugalmom, yes your DD sounds just like mine! I hope you are able to find something/someone that will help your family. Have you read living with intensity and emotional intensity for gifted students? I tried some of the techniques yesterday and it helped. Hugs!!

My DS has ASD and she couldn't be more different from him so I am pretty darn sure she does not have aspergers. Super confident and GETS social nuances extremely well. Always has.

Ahhh..the meds. I have not thought of the side effects. Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention. She was on Zyrtec and I have put her on Claritin today. She is also now on nasacort. I have tried avoiding medicating her this much for some time, but allergies where we live are horrendous so I am having to medicate her everyday. I will update if I see any of the behaviors subside.

She is having no behavior problems at school or her pullouts. Her 2nd grade teacher has told me that she does not belong in the group because she is so far ahead in her reading/comprehension but loves having her there. 1st grade teacher was concerned with her writing but is amazed how much she has progressed in the last month and how she has slotted into the class routine. She feels this class whilst it has helped with the writing is not an appropriate placement.

Dude, thank you for your wise words; Your posts are always so spot on. I agree this is happening with DD also.

Thanks again for all your input, I truly appreciate it!