Originally Posted by slammie
My DD6 has always been a firecracker. She is often sensitive, loud, argumentative and easily frustrated (mostly with family; she has no problems turning on the charm for other adults). However, in the last couple of months, she has become unbearable. Defiant in EVERY way.

Oh yea, we have one of these, so I'm right there with you and I feel your pain! I see a lot of similarities in your post. DD8 is great at school and most other places (if DH and I aren't around), but as soon as we get her in the car to come home it starts - massive attitude, defiance, total drama! Consequences don't work and no amount of reasoning does any good. You can ask her to do something very simple like pick her wet towel up off the floor and - WHAM - it starts.
It has escalated over the last several months to the point that DH and I are trying to figure out if we need to get her into therapy or something. My stress level is sky high and I feel like we really need to get a handle on what is going on for the sake of everyone in the family. Like you, we can't find a counselor/therapist within a reasonable distance that has any experience in giftedness, so we are either stuck with dealing on our own or trying out someone that "thinks" they can help.
She eats very little, and is a picky eater to boot. We don't let her snack too much in the hopes that she will eat more at mealtimes, but maybe we need to let her snack more.
I don't think she has any allergies - no obvious symptoms anyway. DH and I have discussed trying to eliminate some things from our family diet to see if that changes anything, but that seems so daunting to me.
Good luck and hang in there!