Originally Posted by Madoosa
Originally Posted by Displaced
Thank you for your experience. I also feel this way sometimes about school. I wonder what they are really teaching if I have to go back and teach things I feel they should have there? Or maybe they're teaching a lot differently (for example I'm pretty sure I'm teaching phonics to read and they're teaching reading some other magical way). It's such a hard decision for us to know what's best. confused

What's best is surely the things that keep our kids optimally enjoying the adventure of life and lifelong learning.

Amen to that!

And BTW, displaced, there is no other magical way to teach reading! 30 years of reading research says kids either learn to read using a phonological approach (which includes but is not limited to phonics), or they learn to read in spite of the other approach.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...