Originally Posted by AvoCado
She does a one-day-a-week pullout gifted program which is really excellent, and the rest of her actual education is through her love of reading whatever fiction and non-fiction interests her (lots of library books, and lots of quality fiction and interesting history/science reference books at home), Ask magazine, BrainPop Jr, Monopoly, Snap Circuits, chess, Scrabble, geocaching, watching cool documentaries, YouTube (Vi Hart, space station), doing crosswords, traveling, hiking, star-gazing, visiting the planetarium and all those places Knitting Mama listed, badge-work for Brownies, long conversations with DH and I full of hard questions, sometimes I wantonly pull her out of school to join a science workshop run by the local homeschooling group … etc etc.
But I too hesitate to call it after-schooling because it's ALL DD-driven as and when she feels like it. I wouldn't set up anything formal - and admittedly she's ahead in all areas so there's no need - because her learning is part of her playing and I want to keep it that way.

Thank you for all the great educational activities and ideas in your original post. smile

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.